Phytoterapy combined with prostate chronic inflammatory diseases and their complications in persons with diabetes mellitus


І. І. Горпинченко
Ю. М. Гурженко
В. В. Спиридоненко


The combination in patients with diabetes and chronic prostatitis, demonstrated lower urinary tract symptoms is urgent health and social issue and requires adequate diagnostic measures and medication adjustment. The aim of the study: to determine the long-term application of a combination of phytotherapy in men with lower urinary tract symptoms chronic prostatitis (CP) and diabetes mellitus (DM). Materials and methods. In the -Institute of urology of NAMS of Ukrainewere examined 63 patients with CP on the background of diabetes of 1-St and 2-nd type (mean age of 42.3±0.9 years). In the 1st group patients (n=30) were administered Pravenor 2 capsules per day after meals for 4 months with three 10-day intervals; in the 2nd group (n=33) patients taking the extract of pumpkin seeds ordinary 500 mg 2 times a day for 4 months. Control group (n=32) included almost healthy patients who did not receive treatment during the investigation period. The history of the disease CP amounted to an average of 5.2±0.8 years, SD of 12.8±0.9 years, the ratio of DM 1st / DM 2nd type 70:30%. Results. The use of drugs Pravenor® capsules and suppositories Pravenor was based on long-term medical effects on the inflammatory factor in the tissues of the pancreas. At the control examination one of the most significant indicators was the compensation of carbohydrate metabolism. During the inspection of patients of the 1st group in the control time (30 day) it was found that the use of herbal remedies Pravenor® capsules and suppositories Pravenor® provides a good clinical effect, improve the health and quality of life. Patients 1st clinical group receiving continuous combined therapy and improved almost all the indicators in comparison with the 2nd group. Thus, the maximum flow rate Vmax in patients of the 1st group improved by 24.8%, of urination for IPSS – by 20.6%, QoL – 46.5%, respectively (p<0.05). Patients of the 2nd group of such dynamics have been identified. Conclusion. The use of medicinal herbal remedies Pravenor® capsules and Pravenor suppositories in patients with CP with concomitant DM is a reasonable treatment strategy, contributing to the reduction of dysuric phenomena. The obtained results allow to recommend the use of Pravenor® capsules and suppositories Pravenor for the integrated treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis on the background of diabetes.


How to Cite
Горпинченко, І. І., Гурженко, Ю. М., & Спиридоненко, В. В. (2016). Phytoterapy combined with prostate chronic inflammatory diseases and their complications in persons with diabetes mellitus. Health of Man, (2(57), 51–55.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

І. І. Горпинченко, ГУ «Институт урологии НАМН Украины», г. Киев

Горпинченко Игорь Иванович

Ю. М. Гурженко, ГУ «Институт урологии НАМН Украины», г. Киев

Гурженко Юрий Николаевич

Национальная медицинская академия последипломного образования имени П.Л. Шупика, г. Киев,

ГУ «Институт урологии» НАМН Украины, г. Киев

В. В. Спиридоненко, ГУ «Институт урологии НАМН Украины»

Спиридоненко Владимир Владимирович


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