Normalization of Kidney Function in Patients with Active Tuberculosis
The objective: to determine the effectiveness of herbal medicine, which includes yarrow, lovage root and rosemary leaves, hepatoprotector with field artichoke and intestinal dialysis (a mixture of electrolytes, macrogol and activated carbon) to normalize kidney function in patients with active tuberculosis (TB).
Materials and methods. During 6 years, 738 patients from 6 till 81 years old with active TB of various localizations, including kidneys, were examined and treated.
We evaluated symptoms, anamnesis, clinical, biochemical tests of blood, urine, glomerular filtration rate, bacteriological analysis, polymerase chain reaction for DNA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, immunological studies, methods of radiological diagnosis (sonography, radiography, multislice computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, radioisotope method), endoscopic research methods with targeted aspiration and biopsy to obtain biological material.
The participants of the research were divided into two groups: main and control ones. Patients in the main group (n=73) were prescribed herbal medicine, which includes yarrow, lovage root and rosemary leaves, hepatoprotector with field artichoke and intestinal dialysis (a mixture of electrolytes, macrogol and activated carbon). The patients in the control group (n=70) used only herbal medicine, which includes yarrow, lovage root and rosemary leaves and hepatoprotector with artichoke.
Variation statistics methods were used to process the obtained data.
Results. According to the result of the study, 68 (93.1%) patients out of 73 persons in the main group with active TB, had symptoms of the improvement. In the control group, only 37 (52.8%) patients reported positive results. In 68 patients of the main group, normalization of renal function was achieved: normalization of blood creatinine levels, glomerular filtration rate, reduction of protein, leukocytes, erythrocyturia.
Conclusions. The proposed method of treatment of patients with active tuberculosis of different localization, including kidneys, on the background of antimycobacterial therapy is one of the possible treatment options. It is proved that normalization of renal function was determined in 93.1% of patients, which is on 40% higher compared to the control group.

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