Modern Approaches to Treatment of Abacterial Prostatitis and Benign Prostate Hyperplasia Using a Prostate Extract of Bulls
The formation of the inflammatory process in the prostatic tissue in most cases occurs with minimal clinical manifestations, and their clinical and diagnostic verification often does not reflect the actual state of the problem. This requires a search for clinical solutions in order to minimize the formation of inflammatory processes and the regulation of trophic functions in the compromised tissues of the prostate gland. The use of conservative therapy in people with chronic prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia is considered the leading preventive and therapeutic method, therefore, the search for new and improvement of existing pharmacological drugs is an urgent issue.
The action of specific amino acid molecules of the mediator link of the bioregulation system – cytomedines, is due to the regulatory capabilities of low molecular weight peptides, which are multifunctional, capable of inducing the release of other regulatory substances and the formation of the so-called. «Peptide cascade» in a certain place in a short time. Their final effect is not enhanced by excessive intake, is not dose-dependent and is expressed by a complete systemic effect on general physiological processes (apoptosis, proliferation, various types of metabolism, regulation of genetic information).
Vitaprost is an extract of the prostate gland of bulls, lyophilized from an aqueous solution, among the organ peptides it stands out with high clinical efficacy and the absence of side reactions. Its main clinical effects are considered: anti-inflammatory (the ability to reduce edema and leukocyte infiltration in the tissues of the prostate gland), vascular (able to improve the processes of microcirculation and platelet-vascular homeostasis), trophic (a positive effect on spermatogenesis in the form of an increase in the functional activity of spermatozoa and the qualitative characteristics of sperm) , immunoregulatory (stimulates the activity of the humoral link of immunity and some factors of the body’s resistance), antimicrobial (stimulates the antimicrobial activity of neutrophils), neurotrophic (effect on the muscle tone of the urinary bladder and rectum).
The use of prostatilen, as an organotropic polypeptide with high tissue specificity, is a justified pharmacological model for the treatment of infectious-inflammatory and congestive conditions in the structures of the prostate-vesicular complex in men of various ages. The positive effect of prostatilen is due to a series of complementary pathogenetic mechanisms, which include anti-inflammatory, immunotropic, trophic and neurovascular effects on the above structures.
The clinical effect of the rectal form of prostatilen, demonstrated in cases of a combination of chronic prostatitis with benign prostatic hyperplasia and confirmed by a series of long-term studies, makes it possible to use it both in mono- and in combination therapy of these conditions, taking into account the individual conditions of the course of the disease.

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