Psychotherapeutic Counseling of Sexological Patients


І. І. Горпинченко
М. В. Турчак


The article provides data on the importance of psychodiagnostics in the examination of sexological patients. It is specified that psychical deviations are more-less present in all sexological patients, which is important for diagnosis and for the choice of pathogenetically based therapy.

Commonly sexological patients are diagnosed with non-profound disorders of brain activity. To identify them, a carefully collected history and patient complaints from a psychological assessment of the data obtained are often sufficient.

Obtained data requires additional testing. The following methods are used more often: MMPI, HADS, Spielberg-Hanin, Beck, Hamilton, Rorschach, Tsung ...

In sexological patients, the following syndromes are most common: asthenic, affective, obsessive states, senestopathic, hypochondriacal. Less common: syndrome of overvalued ideas, delusional syndromes. Correctly performed psychological diagnostics presupposes an competent chosen treatment. Psychotherapy is rarely used as an independent method of therapy, more often it is combined with other methods.

In sexological practice, preference is given to individual rational psychotherapy. Sexual partner connection to the treatment process significantly increases the effectiveness.


How to Cite
Горпинченко, І. І., & Турчак, М. В. (2020). Psychotherapeutic Counseling of Sexological Patients. Health of Man, (3), 7–11.
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Author Biographies

І. І. Горпинченко, Ukrainian Institute of Sexology and Andrology

Ihor I. Gorpynchenko,


М. В. Турчак, Ukrainian Institute of Sexology and Andrology

Mykola V. Turchak


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