UTI – Quo Vadis? New Alternatives to Treat Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections


K. G. Naber
Z. Tandogdu
B. Köves
G. Bonkat
F. Wagenlehner


Urinary tract infections (UTI) are one of the most common problems in urology clinics. The European Association of Urology (EAU) has been pioneering in its efforts to disseminate the latest clinical findings through the organization of the annual EAU congresses. At this year’s congress (EAU Barcelona 2019), various satellite symposia were organized, focusing on specific issues in the field of urology. “UTI – quo vadis? New alternatives to treat uncomplicated urinary tract infections” was one of the industry-sponsored symposia, organized with the aim of evaluating the current scenario and also throwing light on the paradigm shift in the treatment of acute, uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections (uUTI). Several interlinking topics were presented during this symposium. The topics covered antibiotic resistance, involving a presentation of the current data from the Global Prevalence Study on Infections in Urology (GPIU-study). This discussion was followed by case reports on the impact of antibiotic resistance on the management of patients with UTI/uUTI and treatment options for UTI/uUTI according to current guidelines. The highlight of the symposium was the presentation of very recent data from a gold standard phase III clinical trial (double-blind, double-dummy randomized study), demonstrating the non-inferiority of a herbal medicine( BNO 1045) versus antibiotic therapy (fosfomycin trometamol (FT), as a single dose = 3 g) for the treatment of acute, uncomplicated cystitis.


How to Cite
Naber, K. G., Tandogdu, Z., Köves, B., Bonkat, G., & Wagenlehner, F. (2020). UTI – Quo Vadis? New Alternatives to Treat Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections. Health of Man, (1), 19–25. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5090.1.2020.205152
Topical issues
Author Biographies

K. G. Naber, Technical University of Munich

Kurt G. Naber,

Department of Urology

Z. Tandogdu, Oslo University, University College London Hospitals

Zafer Tandogdu,

Institute for Clinical Medicine at the Oslo University,

Department of Urology at the University College London Hospitals

B. Köves, Jahn Ferenc South Pest Teaching Hospital

Bela Köves,

Department of Urology

G. Bonkat, University Basel, Alta Uro AG, Merian Iselin Klinik, Center of Biomechanics & Calorimetry (COB)

Gernot Bonkat

F. Wagenlehner, Justus-Liebig University of Giessen

Florian Wagenlehner,

Clinic for Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology


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