Features of the Prevention of Absorbent Salt Formation of Internal and External Drainages During Prolonged Drainage of the Upper Urinary Tract


Р. В. Савчук
Ф. І. Костєв
О. М. Колосов
А. П. Піддубняк
В. О. Васілевський


The objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the phytotherapeutic drug Canephron® N in the prevention of absorbent salt formation of internal and external drains with prolonged drainage of the upper urinary tract.

Materials and methods. The study included 76 patients aged 16 to 65 years with drainage of the kidneys due to obstructive uropathy. Depending on the chosen treatment tactics, patients were divided into two groups. The main group (n = 49) in combination with standard care for stents received a phytopreparation Canephron® N 2 tablets three times a day. Patients in the control group (n = 27) received only standard stent care. The sizes of the renal cavities were evaluated using a furosemide test, the reaction to a urine nitrite test, the presence of bacteriuria and the frequency of salt incrustation of stents and drains.

Results. The quality of the functioning of drainage systems in the main group was significantly higher than that of the control group. The test with furosemide showed a smaller size of the kidney bowls in the main group by 24.3% than in patients of the control group with external drainage and 17% less with internal drainage. Positive indicators of the nitrite test in the group of patients who used the Canephron® N phytopreparation in complex therapy were lower by 54% and 53%, respectively, in the subgroups of external and internal drainage compared to the control group. Some patients with saline occlusion of the drainage systems accounted for 16% in the main group versus 85% in the control group.

Conclusion. The use of Canephron® N in patients with drainage of the upper urinary tract can prevent the development of salt incrustation of stents, improve the quality of drainage, and also prevent the development of microbial inflammatory processes in the urinary tract.


How to Cite
Савчук, Р. В., Костєв, Ф. І., Колосов, О. М., Піддубняк, А. П., & Васілевський, В. О. (2019). Features of the Prevention of Absorbent Salt Formation of Internal and External Drainages During Prolonged Drainage of the Upper Urinary Tract. Health of Man, (4), 74–78. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5090.4.2019.195292
Author Biographies

Р. В. Савчук, Odessa National Medical University

Ruslan V. Savchuk,

Department of Urology and Nephrology

Ф. І. Костєв, Odessa National Medical University

Fedir I. Kostev,

Head of Department of Urology and Nephrology

О. М. Колосов, Odessa National Medical University

Oleksandr M. Kolosov,

Department of Urology and Nephrology

А. П. Піддубняк, Odessa National Medical University

Alla P. Poddubnyak

В. О. Васілевський, Odessa National Medical University

Vadym O. Vasilevsky


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