The Use of Non-specific Anti-inflammatory Drugs (Dicloberl) in Patients with Chronic Non-specific Prostatitis


Ю. М. Гурженко
В. В. Спиридоненко


The positive experience of using Dicloberl suppositories in 126 patients with chronic nonspecific prostatitis is shown. Its high clinical (93.7%) and bacteriological (91.3%) effectiveness was established. The drug is well tolerated, has minimal side effects (4.7%).


How to Cite
Гурженко, Ю. М., & Спиридоненко, В. В. (2019). The Use of Non-specific Anti-inflammatory Drugs (Dicloberl) in Patients with Chronic Non-specific Prostatitis. Health of Man, (3), 33–37.
Sexology and andrology
Author Biographies

Ю. М. Гурженко, State Institution «Institute of Urology of NAMS of Ukraine»

Yurii M. Gurzhenko,

Department of Sexopathology and Andrology

В. В. Спиридоненко, State Institution «Institute of Urology of NAMS of Ukraine»

Volodymyr V. Spyrydonenko


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