Homosexuality: a Case Analysis


О. С. Кочарян


The article is devoted to the analysis of the case of homosexuality. We consider the transformation of views on sexuality from it’s conceptualization as something stable, unchanging to it’s conceptualization as something fluidity. Moreover, this fluidity characterizes both children and adults. The author cites the case of homosexuality, which according to the manifestations could be attributed as true homosexuality. At the same time, the analysis of early traumas, relations with the mother, women, men, attitude to one’s body, way of life allows us to conclude that homosexuality can become a form of solving problems of interpersonal dependence, infantile functioning, and personal identity. In this particular case, gender affirmation therapy may prove ineffective and not lead to a solution of the client’s personal problems. An analysis of dreams and fantasies is given, in which a heterosexual plot and rudiments of a new attitude to women of extra-sexual nature appear. Homosexuality is internally heterogeneous and needs in each concrete case in psychotherapeutic qualification outside the value context, but only in the context of development.


How to Cite
Кочарян, О. С. (2019). Homosexuality: a Case Analysis. Health of Man, (3), 22–26. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5090.3.2019.185346
For practicing physicians
Author Biography

О. С. Кочарян, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Oleksandr S. Kocharyan,

Head of Department of Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy


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