Shock Wave Therapy in the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and Concomitant Erectile Dysfunction
The objective: evaluation of the effectiveness of shock-wave therapy (SWT) in the complex treatment of men with a non-inflammatory form of chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) (category IIIB by NIH), complicated by erectile dysfunction.
Materials and methods. 27 patients were examined with a non-inflammatory form of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (category IIIB accordingto NIH), complicated by erectile dysfunction inage from 28 to 45 years. The patients were divided in to two groups: the main group – men who, during the month in addition to the standard treatment, used low-dose shock-wave therapy (SWT) for the perineum area (14 people) using the BTL-6000 SWT TOPLINE device in the mode: frequency – 8 Hz, pressure – 2-3 bar and the control group – men, who were used during the month standard therapy (13 people). Standard therapy for ChP / CPS included: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, alphablockers, antidepressants or anti-epileptic drugs in standard dosages and regimens.
Results. Patients of the main group showed significant changes after treatment and 2 months after treatment the following indicators: the score on the NIH-CPSI scale decreased by 19,07% and 62,88%; the score according to the ICEF-5 questionnaire increased by 24,54% and 35,79%; the score on the IPSS scale decreased by 10,26% and 43,89%; the volume of the prostate gland decreased by 17,82% and 31,47%, respectively. Patients of the control group showed significant changes after treatment and 2 months after treatment only on the following indicators: the score on the NIH-CPSI scale decreased by 15,16% and 42,83%; the score ont he IPSS scale decreased by 18,68% and 27,21%, respectively; the volume of the prostate gland after therapy and 2 months after treatment decreased by 9,92% and 14,49%. Thus, 2 months after treatment in patients of both groups the manifestations of pain syndrome became slightly pronounced; only in patients of the main group, a violation of erectile function was not detected. A significant decrease in the volume of the prostate gland was observed in patients of the main group.
Conclusion. When using SWT, there was not a single case of significant adverse effect or adverse event. The use of SWT in the complex treatment of men with non-inflammatory form of ChP/CPS complicated by erectile dysfunction is an effective, non-invasive and safe method of physiotherapy.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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