Transsexuality: Diagnostic Approaches and Clinical Observation


Г. С. Кочарян


A critical analysis of modern approaches to the diagnostics of the sexual indentification disorders is given. The semantic aneligibility of using the term «gender dysphoria» is substantiated, instead of which, in the author’s opinion, the term «sexual dysphoria» should be used. The scientific groundlessness of the current trend aimed at excluding transsexualism from the list of mental disorders is discussed. The wide unjustified use of the term «gender» and phrase «gender differences» when comparing examined persons with different biological sex is considered. The case history of a patient with transsexualism is presented.


How to Cite
Кочарян, Г. С. (2019). Transsexuality: Diagnostic Approaches and Clinical Observation. Health of Man, (1), 80–85.
Sexology and andrology


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