Assessment of Operational Methods for the Treatment of Combination Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation


В. М. Лісовий
О. В. Кнігавко
А. В. Аркатов


The article presents an assessment of the effectiveness of surgical options for helping patients with premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction in short-term and long-term efficacy. Based on penile bioteziometry, ultrasound of the genital organs in the doppler mode, collection of sexual history, as well as the use of the vegetative dysfunction scale and the Hamilton scale, the most likely reason is premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, which allowed us to choose the optimal type of surgical treatment.


How to Cite
Лісовий, В. М., Кнігавко, О. В., & Аркатов, А. В. (2018). Assessment of Operational Methods for the Treatment of Combination Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation. Health of Man, (4), 95–97.
Sexology and andrology
Author Biographies

В. М. Лісовий, Kharkiv National Medical University

Volodymyr M. Lesovoy,

Head of Department of Urology, Nephrology and Andrology

О. В. Кнігавко, Kharkiv National Medical University

Oleksandr V. Knigavko,

Department of Urology, Nephrology and Andrology

А. В. Аркатов, V.I. Shapoval Regional Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology

Andrii V. Arkatov,

Head of Department of Andrology № 8


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