Intracavernous Stem Cell Transplantation in Erectile Dysfunction: Modification of Adhesive Properties of Stem Cells Increases Their Ability to Restore Contractile and Phosphatase Activity of Cavernous Tissue Damaged by Hyperglycemia
A comparative study of the effect on the contractile and phosphate activity of the cavernous tissue of four intracavernous injections (ICI) (1×106 cells once a week) of native stem cells (SC) and cells, with SYT1/SYT2 molecules, integrated into the cell membrane (SC-m-SYT1/SYT2), was performed in two groups (n=10; 1:1) of sexually mature Wistar rats weighing 160-180 gwith induced hyperglycemia (>8 mmol/l). It was found that, at the end of the ICI in the group of animals receiving SC-m-SYT1/SYT2, the median amplitude of contractions was 1.6 times greater (P<0.05, Wilcoxon’s test), and the intensity mediants for ATPase and LF, respectively, 2 and 1 points greater than in the group where native SCs were introduced (P<0.05, Wilcoxon’s test). ICI of native and modified SC did not affect the level of glycemia. Modification of the adhesive properties of SC by SYT1/SYT2 molecules increases their ability to restore contractile and phosphatase activity of cavernous tissue damaged by hyperglycemia. Further research is needed on the processes of homing and differentiation of SC, modified with SYT1/SYT2 molecules, in intact and pathologically altered cavernous tissue in vitro and in vivo.

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