Rationale for Choosing the Method of Lithotripsy in Patients with Ureterolithiasis with Concomitant Diabetes Mellitus
The work is devoted to improving the efficiency of treatment of patients with ureterolithiasis, burdened with diabetes mellitus, by studying the general homeostasis and functional ability of the kidneys with the identification of risk factors for the occurrence of complications after minimally invasive methods of ureterolithotripsy with predicting the choice of the best of them.
The paper presents a theoretical generalization and a new solution to an actual scientific problem of improving the effectiveness of treating patients with ureterolithiasis on the background of diabetes mellitus by introducing an algorithm for determining the functional and restorative state of the kidney, studying the state of oxidative stress, ways to prevent the destruction of renal tissue performing minimally invasive lithotripsy methods.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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