The Effect of Microbiota of Ejaculate on the State of Immune Homeostasis in Men with Damaged Reproductive Function, Depending on the Kind of Alcohol Consumed
The objective: to study the effect of microflora of the ejaculate on the state of immune homeostasis in men with damaged reproductive function, depending on the kind and amount of alcohol consumed.
Materials and methods. Totally 62 men aged from 24 to 45 years have been included in investigation. The first group (control) included 17 fertile men who didn’t consume any alcohol. The second group (comparison) consisted of 17 men without disorders of fertility, who consumed, but didn’t abuse all kinds of alcohol. Depending on the kind of alcohol, group III was divided into 3 subgroups: subgroup IIIa consisted of 7 patients abusing strong alcohol; IIIb consisted of 9 patients abusing beer and the third one IIIc («mixed» group) included 12 patients abusing both beer and strong drinks. Patients underwent a comprehensive study, including: a survey, the study of the state of cellular factors of innate immunity, bacteriological examination of pharynx and ejaculate smears.
Results. Analysis of microflora of the ejaculate showed that at abusing strong alcohol indicated the presence only G+ flora (Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus faecalis), when beer abuse and “mixed” alcohol was noted as G+ (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus faecalis) and G– (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae) microflora. Associations of microorganisms were found in men of all the studied groups, with the greatest number of them being detected during the abuse of beer. Incompleteness of neutrophilic phagocytosis was observed in all the studied groups against the background of preservation of the functional and metabolic reserve in II and IIIa and its depletion in IIIb and IIIс groups.
Conclusion. Changes in the state of microbiocenosis of the ejaculate can affect the normal functioning of the phagocytic link of the immune system, which leads to the formation of local violations of the defense system, and then, apparently, generalized dysfunction of the immune system.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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