Applying of metabolic therapy for correction of endothelial dysfunction manifestations in patients with urolithiasis


Є. А. Литвинець
Н. Т. Скоропад


The objective: of the study was to investigate the functional state of vascular endothelium in patients with urolithiasis and to evaluate the effectiveness of using arginine in endothelial dysfunction correction in this category of patients.

Materials and methods. An analysis of the concentration of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in the blood serum of 60 patients with urolithiasis (calcium-oxalate nephrolithiasis) has been performed.

Results. Endothelin-1 levels in serum in patients with urolithiasis, were significantly higher than in healthy subjects. Such changes in the concentration of endothelin-1 indicate endothelial dysfunction in patients with urolithiasis.

Conclusion. The elevated level of ET-1 in patients with urolithiasis and its increase with the progression of the disease may be one of the leading pathogenetic factors of the occurrence and progression of pathology in the kidney and confirms the expediency of the use of drugs with metabolic action in complex therapy. The use of arginine in the complex therapy in patients with stone kidney disease after stone removal can reduce the level of ET-1 and prevent the development of complications.


How to Cite
Литвинець, Є. А., & Скоропад, Н. Т. (2018). Applying of metabolic therapy for correction of endothelial dysfunction manifestations in patients with urolithiasis. Health of Man, (2), 109–111.
Author Biographies

Є. А. Литвинець, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Yevhen A. Litvinets,

Head of Department of Urology

Н. Т. Скоропад, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Nazar T. Skoropad,

Department of Urology


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