Experience of application of combined treatment patients with chronic non-spectacular prostate with using polycomponent medicine and alpha adrenoblockatоrs
The objective: was to analyze the clinical efficacy of the complex treatment of men with chronic prostatitis (CP) using the drugs Pravenor® in capsules and Omiks at 0.4 mg.
Materials and methods. Outpatients were 77 men with chronic nonspecific prostatitis, which is accompanied by symptoms of the lower urinary tract. The age of patients ranged from 22 to 36 years, the duration of the disease – from 8 months to 4 years. All 77 patients with CP completed the full course of complex treatment with the use of drugs Pravenor® in capsules and Omiks at 0.4 mg. The duration of treatment was 90 days.
Results. As a result of the complex treatment of men with CP with the use of drugs Pravenor® and Omiks, the condition of the patients quickly improved. The use of therapy provided a fairly rapid clinical effect. Painful sensations were eliminated after completion of the course of treatment in 26 (92.9%) of 28 subjects, dysuric phenomena were eliminated in 72 (93.5%) of 77 patients.
Conclusion. The use of drugs Pravenor® and Omix in men with chronic prostatitis (CP) is clinically justified. The efficiency was 93.5%. The use of drugs Pravenor® and Omix in men with CP was accompanied by good tolerability and a small number of side effects (5.2%). The results obtained make it possible to recommend the use of the drug Pravenor® and alpha-blocker Omix for complex treatment of CP.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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