The role of herpetic infection in the development of chronic abacterial prostatitis
The objective: сonfirmation of herpes infection as an etiological factor of chronic abacterial prostatitis and creation of an algorithm for examining patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis of viral etiology.
Material and methods. A total of 53 men aged 30 to 50 years were examined, who after a comprehensive examination were diagnosed with chronic abacterial prostatitis. To confirm the viral etiology of chronic abacterial prostatitis, the patients underwent an additional specific examination: the determination of serological markers (antibodies (Ig) class IgM and IgG by the ELISA method) and virologic (DNA viruses in prostate secretion and ejaculate by PCR method). To establish the prescription of infection, the avidity index (IA) of IgG antibodies was determined.
Results. According to the results of the examination, 16 patients were seronegative. That is, anti-HSV 1/2 IgG classes were detected in 37 patients, which amounted to 69.8%. Among them, IgG against type 1 HSV was detected in 8 patients (21.6%), whereas IgG against type 2 HSV was detected in 29 patients (78.4%). Of all the seropositive 37 patients, high avidity IgG to HSV-1 type was detected in 7 patients (87.5%), and high avidity IgG to HSV-2 was detected in 28 patients, which was 96.6%, respectively. One patient was diagnosed with IgM to HSV 2. The virus DNA was detected in 9 seropositive patients, which was 24.3%. The study of clinical manifestations and specific laboratory markers of herpes infection made it possible to identify their clinical and pathogenetic forms.
Conclusion. Considering the data obtained, an algorithm for examining patients with suspected herpetic etiology of chronic abacterial prostatitis is proposed. The main criterion for the diagnosis of chronic abacterial prostatitis of herpetic etiology is the detection of DNA of the virus in the secretion of the prostate and ejaculate by polymerase chain reaction.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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