Calcium-oxalate nephrolithiasis and the bases of its metaphylaxis
Hypercalciuria is the main lithogenic pathometabolism in calcium nephrolithiasis which manifests with multilateral impairments of metabolic risk factors of recurrent development of kidney stone disease and different types of hypercalciuria.
Causes of hypercalciuria can include impairments of gastrointestinal function, hormonal impairments and their imbalance in the regulation of bone tissue metabolism, impairments of vitamin D metabolism, congenital genetic pathologies and dietary factors.
There are distinguished 6 main types of hypercalciuria and different conditions, giving rise to hypercalciuria (oncology diseases and others).
For performing metaphylaxis of calcium oxalic nephrolithiasis, it is necessary to differentiate types of calcium oxalic nephrolithiasis and choice of adequate treatment. Our study pays attention to absorbent calcium oxalic nephrolithiasis of types I, II, III and IV, renal, resorptive HK and tubular acidosis. There are also presented schemes of metaphylaxis and results of 3-year metaphylaxis of calcium oxalic nephrolithiasis.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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