Research of the level of the C-reactive protein in patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis and it’s diagnostical value
The objective: evaluation of diagnostical and prognostical value of determination of C-reactive protein in blood and ejaculate of patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis (CBP) and possibility of usage of this test for monitoring of the course of the disease.
Matherials and methods. We examined 65 patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis aged from 20 to 50 years (main group) and control group, which was formed by 25 healthy men of the same age with ill patients.
Results. In blood serum of patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis when referring the level of C-reactive protein was increased, almost in all patients it reached “highinflamative” range and made up in average 14,82±3,28 mg/l. Simultaneous determination of C-reactive protein in ejaculate of patients with CBP in stage of exacerbation had found concentration of biomarker, which exceeded blood indexes in 4,3 times and were on average 64,32±4,46 mg/l.
Conclusion. In patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis in stage of exacerbation was determined significant increase of C-reactive protein in ejaculate, which in a few times exceeded it’s content in blood serum, which allowed to assume possibility of local synthesis of biomarker in involvement of prostate gland.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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