Transrectal biopsy under ultrasound guidance using shear wave elastography in men with suspected prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the second malignant tumor by prevalence among men. Question of timely diagnosis of this disease is extremely important. Despite the large number of screening tests, the development of new visualization techniques and the use of invasive procedures such as biopsy, prostate cancer remain difficult for early diagnosis. The main disadvantage of a standard multifocal biopsy of the prostate is lack of specificity of ultrasound beam in B-mode. Particularly, the tumor node is isoechogenic in 30% cases.
The objective: проаналізувати застосування еластографії зсувної хвилі як додаткового методу отримання зображень ПЗ.
Materials and methods. The study included 31 patients. Patients were divided into 4 groups: the first group – control (conditionally healthy) (n=7), the second group – patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (n=8). The third group – patients with chronic prostatitis (n=8). The fourth group – patients with prostate cancer (n=8). All patients performed a complex transrectal ultrasound (TRUSD), endocavital EC 6.5 MHz/10R sensor using shear wave elastography. Patients in the 2,3,4 group performed a transrectal, multifocal biopsy of the prostate gland. The biopsy was performed on a standard 12-point circuit. Additionally, a biopsy was performed from suspicious sites detected by the shear wave elastography.
Results. In all patients, the pathological findings are correlated with the data of the shear wave elastography.
Conclusion. The shear wave elastography should be an additional method of obtaining images of the prostate, complementary to traditional transrectal ultrasound and MRI.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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