Results of treatment of patients with combined neurogenic pathology of the lower urinary tract and distal colon of the gut by hypotonic type with electromyographic control


П. В. Чабанов


The article presents the results of treatment of patients with combined neurogenic pathology of the lower urinary tract and distal part of the colon according to the hypotonic type with electromyographic control. The data of electromyographic studies made it possible to develop and optimize the methods of treatment depending on the tone of the neuromuscular structures of the lower urinary tract and the distal parts of the large intestine. The conservative treatment of patients of this category with the help of stimulation by electro stimulation is effective, provides a positive effect in 87.1% of cases.


How to Cite
Чабанов, П. В. (2017). Results of treatment of patients with combined neurogenic pathology of the lower urinary tract and distal colon of the gut by hypotonic type with electromyographic control. Health of Man, (3(62), 86–88.
Author Biography

П. В. Чабанов, ДУ «Інститут урології НАМН України», м. Київ

P.V. Chabanov


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