Androgenic deficit for men with a diabetes mellitus 2 types
The objective: to study efficiency and safety of preparation of orchidic hormone for patients with СД 2типа having androgenic deficit and ED.
Patients and methods. 36 patients that got preparation of T on 1000 мг, with an interval took part in research – 12 weeks. Patients had age 65 from 50 to (middle age 60±5,5), remoteness of diabetes mellitus 2 types from 2-10, laboratory confirmed decline of general orchidic hormone, ED. Efficiency was estimated through 12,24 and 36 weeks from the beginning of therapy.
Results. Regardless of the got therapy, for all patients the improvement of sexual activity, increase of libido, decline of general body and percent of fatty tissue weight, is marked.
Conclusion. The obtained data demonstrate, that for the correction of androgenic deficit for patients with the diabetes mellitus of 2типа with success can be used pricks of testosterone.

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