Submicroscopic changes in bladder walls during acute urinary retention under postresectional pulmonary hypertension


А. Д. Беденюк
В. В. Твердохліб
А. І. Мисак
С. О. Нестерук


Acute urinary retention is often found in medical practice and requires urgent interventions, and doctors are not always happy with the results of correction of this pathological condition.
In an experiment on male Vietnamese pigs, a study was made of the features of changes in the structures of the wall of the bladder in acute urinary retention in conditions of pulmonary hypertension.
A comprehensive analysis of the data obtained indicates that acute urinary retention causes significant disturbances in structural bladder homeostasis, which increase with the duration of the simulated pathology under conditions of pulmonary hypertension.


How to Cite
Беденюк, А. Д., Твердохліб, В. В., Мисак, А. І., & Нестерук, С. О. (2017). Submicroscopic changes in bladder walls during acute urinary retention under postresectional pulmonary hypertension. Health of Man, (2(61), 73–74.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

А. Д. Беденюк, Ternopil State Medical University

A.D. Bedenjuk

В. В. Твердохліб, Ternopil State Medical University

V.V. Tverdokhlib

А. І. Мисак, Ternopil State Medical University

A.I. Mysak

С. О. Нестерук, Ternopil State Medical University

S.O. Nesteruk


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