Modern approaches to the urgent and planned medical care for urolithiasis management


О. З. Децик
Д. Б. Соломчак


Ukrainian medical and technological standards for the medical care for urolithiasis is outdated and do not correspond to the principles of evidence-based medicine.
The objective: to substantiate and develop algorithms for the provision of urgent and planned care to patients with urolithiasis (patients` pathways) based on the analysis of the current medical care management and the clinical guidelines of the leading world urological associations.
Patients and methods. Medical cards of in-patients with urolithiasis were analyzed in the health facilities of the Ivano-Frankivsk region: six central district and city hospitals (625 units), a regional clinical hospital (157 units) and a private medical center (108 units). There were conducted a peer review of the validity of hospitalization and the correspondence of the received medical care to modern clinical guidelines.
Results. It was found that the lack of quality unified clinical protocols of medical care for urolithiasis leads to inefficient use of resources, especially in secondary level public health care facilities. Based on the current clinical guidelines of the European and American Association of Urologists, algorithms for the provision of urgent and planned medical care for have been developed and adapted to the Ukrainian public health care system capabilities.
Conclusions. The suggested algorithms will ensure the formation of rational individual patients` pathways in practice and will help to optimize the organization of urological care in general.


How to Cite
Децик, О. З., & Соломчак, Д. Б. (2017). Modern approaches to the urgent and planned medical care for urolithiasis management. Health of Man, (2(61), 58–61.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

О. З. Децик, ДВНЗ «Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет»

A.Z. Detsyk

Д. Б. Соломчак, ДВНЗ «Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет»

D.B. Solomchak


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