Study of microelements’ level and antioxidant defense by patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis


Є. А. Литвинець
В. І. Тріщ


Among men of working age chronic prostatitis is the most frequent urological sickness, and characteristic symptoms of it are frequent reason of the urological recourse. Therefore this excuses a search for new methods of examination and treatment of the patients with this pathology.

The objective: of our research was studying of level of essential microelements (Zn, Cu, Mg) in blood and ejaculate and specialty of antioxidic defense of the patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and reasoning of polymicroelemental medication use.

Patients and methods. Under supervision were 84 patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, among them 42 patients with inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome(category IIIA) and 42 patients with noninflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome (IIIB). Microelements Zinc, Copper and Magnesium in whole blood an ejaculate were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometry on C-115 PC. State of antioxidic defense was judged considering quantification of Catalase after A. Bach and S.Zubkova and Superoxide Dismutase.

Results. A certain decrease of microelements Zn, Cu, Mg was observed in both groups of patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis. More expressed decrease was observed in patients with inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Also it was noted that with long duration of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis takes place the antioxidic enzymes level decrease. I.e. it was marked a clear connection between Catalase and Superoxide Dismutase decrease in patients’ blood with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and duration of disease. More expressed decrease was observed in patients with inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome. As a result of correlation analysis it was found that there is certain dependence between level of Zn, Cu, Mg in blood and antioxidic defense enzymes.

Conclusion. With chronic nonbacterial prostatitis was observed decrease of Zn, Cu, Mg level in blood as well as in ejaculate of the patients. A shortage of this microelements certainly increases with a long anamnesis of sickness. More intense decrease of Zn, Cu, Mg is noted in patients with inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Metabolic changes with shortage of Zn, Cu, Mg correlate with antioxidic system disbalance , that is with antioxidic defense level decrease, which must be considered in treating of the patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis.


How to Cite
Литвинець, Є. А., & Тріщ, В. І. (2017). Study of microelements’ level and antioxidant defense by patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis. Health of Man, (2(61), 53–57.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

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В. І. Тріщ, ДВНЗ «Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет»

V.I. Trishch


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