The choice of treatment tactics dysuric symptoms in patients with overactive bladder
The objective: the aim of the study was to determine the differentiated approach to medicine therapy in the patients with overactive bladder (OAB), depending on the clinical features of the disease progress.
Patients and methods. The study involved 87 women with lower urinary tract symptoms, the appropriate criteria for the diagnosis of OAB. It has been found that the pathogenic effect of the antidepressant Mirtazapine therapy in combination with an anticonvulsant Gabapentin in the treatment of OAB is to optimize the reservoir and evacuation function of the bladder.
Results. Combination therapy according to the m-anticholinergic Tolterodine and Mirtazapine helps to restore control of urination and an increase in the absolute and relative volume of the bladder, significantly improves urination, without giving rise to obstructive voiding.
Conclusion. The study showed the effectiveness of combination of Gabapentin and Phenibut during the treatment of OAB with algic syndrome that marked the end of 6 weeks of cystalgia intensity decrease by 62%.

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