The use of drugs Laferomaks and Prosteks in treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis, combined with benign prostatic hyperplasia
The objective: Studying the efficiency of complex treatment of patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis, combined with prostatic hyperplasia using drugs Laferomaks (interferon alfa-2β, rectal suppositories) and Prosteks (extract of bulls` prostate) produced by «PF «Biopharma».
Patients and methods. 52 patients were treated with a confirmed diagnosis of «CP, combined with initial symptoms of PH». Patients were divided into two groups. The study group included 26 patients during therapy they were designed Laferomaks 3 mln ME in the morning and evening for 10 days, then as a second stage of treatment – the drug Prosteks 0.03 in the morning and evening for 10 days. The control group included 26 patients who received standard treatment without using of drugs Laferomaks and Prosteks.
Results. The survey results confirm the effectiveness of a course of adjuvant therapy, as evidenced by reduction in the number of white blood cells in both groups of patients. Statistically significant results were obtained in patients of the main group for performance evaluation criteria urodynamic examination and reducing the symptoms of a scale IPSS and quality of life.
Conclusion. Alpha-epineblockers and antibiotics are the first line drugs in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis, but their use in combination with Laferomaks Prosteks and significantly improve the results of their application.

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