Study of the efficacy of plant and mineral complex Rotaprost in the treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis
Prostatitis is medical and social problems. Prostatitis have 2nd place in the structure of urological morbidity. More than 40.0 % of men sexually active age have different functional disorders and structural changes in the reproductive system. So prostatitis' decrease quality of life and negatively acting on the psycho-emotional status of men.
The objective: to study the efficacy and safety of application of plant-mineral complex Rotaprost in the treatment of patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis.
Patients and methods. We studed of etiopathogenesis aspects of treatment of chronic prostatitis by 60 patients with this pathology. The patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 received standart therapy, Group 2 + drug Rotaprost 1 capsule 2 times a day 1 month.
Results. Analysis of results of treatment chronic abacterial prostatitis showed the best results of treatment in Group 2 (Rotaprost + standart treatment) in comparison with the 1st group. The clinical effect in Group 2 was stable.
Conclusions. Rotaprost 1 capsule two times a day for 1 month is pathogenetically grounded treatment of chronic abacterial prostatitis. The positive results of the therapy and achieve a stable clinical effect supported of them. According to clinical study dates, we can reccomend to include plant-mineral complex Rotaprost in therapy of patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis.

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