Experience of use of Konegra Deluxe in the therapy of erectile dysfunction
The objective: the evaluation of the effectiveness of the medicine Konegra Deluxe in the form of pills in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Materials and methods. On the basis of the Department of Sexopathology and Andrology of the State Institution «Urology Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», an open study of the medicine Konegra Deluxe was conducted. The study included 35 patients with erectile dysfunction of different genesis in the dynamics. After the termination of the course of treatment, 33 patients underwent a clinical and laboratory examination. Two patients did not complete the course of treatment for various reasons.
Results. In the group of patients receiving Konegra Deluxe, virtually all integration parameters that characterize the sexual sphere of the patient significantly increased. Changes in cavernous blood flow during the ultrasonic Doppler ultrasound method showed statistically and clinically significant changes during drug therapy. Patients and researchers assessed the effectiveness of the Konegra Deluxe preparation as follows: «excellent» – in 21 (63.6%) clinical case, «good» - in 9 (27.3%), «satisfactory» – in 2 (6.1% ) And «unsatisfactory» - in 1 (3.0%) case.
Conclusion. The clinical efficacy of Konegra Deluxe is 90.9%. Patients tolerated the treatment with Konegra Deluxe. The presence of side effects in 6.1% of patients was revealed, which does not affect the general condition of the patient. The medicine Konegra Deluxe can be considered the first choice drug in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men.

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