The ways to improve the long functioning drains in the exterior and interior draining of kidneys in the patients with obstructive nephropathy
The article presents the results and the ways to improve the quality and long term of percutaneous nephrostomy and stent functioning in the patients with obstructive nephropathy by using the phytopreparation Canephron® N by 3 tablets (75 drops) 3 times per day during 3 months.
We have received the convincing data proving the advantage of the complex therapy by the phytopreparation Canephron® N and the decrease in the number of drain obturations to 3% in comparison with the control group – 53%, that, in its turn, prolongs functioning of the drains stated, gives a certain economic effect, decreases the number of acute cases of pyelonephritis and improves the life quality of the patients with prolong draining of kidneys.

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