Comparative evaluation of the results of treatment of prostate cancer non-steroidal antiandrogen mode and low-dose estrogen-therapy antiandrogenic
Was performed a comparative evaluation of results of treatment with low-dose estrogen-antiandrogen therapy versus monotherapy with nonsteroidal antiandrogen for patient witth prostate cancer II-IV stages. The study group included 47 patients treated in the mode LDEAT (flutamide 250 mg 3 times/day in combination with sublingual chlortrianizen in subtherapeutic doses: 0.006 g, 2 times/day), in the control group was 88 patients treated with flutamide in the standard dose (250 mg 3 times / day). In the observation of the dynamics during treatment in both groups noted reduction in the intensity of complaints, increasing of urofloumetry parameters, reduction of prostate volume and PSA reduction without significant differences between groups of these indicators. Indicators of general and cancer-specific survival between the two groups also were not statistically different (p>0,05). The combined use of flutamide in LDEAT mode allows to achieve a significant therapeutic effect in a short time with less severe side effects and improve survival rates and quality of life.

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