Features of the endovideosurgery of the upper urinary tract pathology in patients with obesity


О. О. Підмурняк


The results of the comparison factors that determine the aggressiveness of surgery in patients with normal weight, overweight and obese. Scientific expediency preoperative planning the location of trocars on the basis of the proposed method. It is proved that in a group of obese and non-obese significant difference was noted in the distance between the points of location of trocars in the duration of surgery, under anesthesia support and the size of the surgical wound. For other factors of aggressive surgery significant differences were observed.


How to Cite
Підмурняк, О. О. (2015). Features of the endovideosurgery of the upper urinary tract pathology in patients with obesity. Health of Man, (3(54), 107–109. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5090.3(54).2015.105975
Author Biography

О. О. Підмурняк, Хмельницька обласна лікарня

А.А. Pidmurnyak


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