Phytotherapy postoperative complications in minimally invasive surgery for nephrolithiasis in patients with metabolic syndrome
There were examined 71 patients with ureterolitiazom different localization and metabolic syndrome (MS) were divided into groups: I (n=41), where, after TUKL outpatient monotherapy administered herbal preparation Flavia® for 90-days and and II (n=30), which accounted for similar cases using traditional herbal medicine (diuretics charges). The results were compared with data III (n=35; ureterolitiazu cases in patients with no signs of MS and to the same treatment) and IV group (n=23; healthy volunteers). The median age was investigated 46,8±2,4 years, duration of MS history – 5,6±0,9 years. It has been found that the presence of the metabolic syndrome in patients with urolithiasis is a negative background for the formation in the early postoperative period is more than 19.7% and 18,5±0,4% represented hyperglycemia. It was found a significant correlation between the presence of acute calculous obstruction and high levels of glycemia, bacteriuria, urinary microalbumin and violations of lipid profile, which are interconnected with one another, and in proportion to the decrease in conducting appropriate tactics in the postoperative period. Shifts metabolic nature (hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia) correlate with increased urinary calcium indicators, uric acid and oxalic acid, which is reduced after the elimination of the obstruction and applying correction herbal preparation (Flavia®) for 90 days and more. Application of the combined herbal preparation (Flavia®) improves urinary parameters in patients with urolithiasis and associated metabolic syndrome, which results in reducing the amount of oxalate, uric acid and calcium.

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