Treatment of urinary tract infections – of recommendations for clinical practice
The paper presents the examination and treatment of 58 women, average age 46,3 years, with recurrent uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTI). A modern approach to the treatment of patients with UTI and prevent recurrence of infection, which should be based on the use of not only antibacterial but imunoaktyvnyh drugs. That purpose Tseforala Soljutab (400 mg/day) for 3-7 days while eating Uro-blacking (6 mg / day) for 3 months, which is an effective and safe method of eradication of the pathogen and prevent a recurrence of UTI. The study relapse rate decreased from 4,4 ± 1,1 episodes in 6-month period prior to oral immunotherapy, to 1,7 ± 1,4 episode 9-month monitoring phase. These parameters correspond to reduce the frequency of relapses in an average of 65.6 %%.

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