Clinical determination of tumor markers in patients with testicular seminoma


А. В. Сакало


We analyzed the prognostic value of the results of the study HCG and LDH levels of tumor markers in patients with testicular seminoma before and after orchidectomy and during chemotherapy. A correlation between increased levels of markers and disease stage revealed, and the relationship between the frequency and decrease the progression of time negativation LDH after chemotherapy was found. Confirmed low predictive value of HCG and LDH in the first stages of the disease progression to diagnose.


How to Cite
Сакало, А. В. (2016). Clinical determination of tumor markers in patients with testicular seminoma. Health of Man, (3(58), 176–178.
Author Biography

А. В. Сакало, ДУ «Інститут урології НАМН України», м. Київ

 A.V. Sakalo


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