Study of probability of impact of behavioral risk factors on occurrence and recurrence of urolithiasis


Д. Б. Соломчак


To study the impact of behavioral risk factors, such as cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and physical inactivity on occurrence and recurrence of urolithiasis it was conducted a retrospective epidemiological study of a representative sample of 443 patients with urolithiasis (main group, 403 – of them without recurrences and 40 – with recurrences)    and 203 patients with other predominantly acute urological pathology   (control group) who were in urologic in patient departments of health  care facilities of Ivano-Frankivsk region. In spite of established significant cigarette smoking prevalence and alcohol drinking among male respondents and generally low physical activity there were not received credible proofs that these factors influence the occurrence and recurrence of urolithiasis.


How to Cite
Соломчак, Д. Б. (2015). Study of probability of impact of behavioral risk factors on occurrence and recurrence of urolithiasis. Health of Man, (4(55), 92–95.
Author Biography

Д. Б. Соломчак, Ивано-Франковский национальный медицинский университет

D.B. Solomchak


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