Efficiency and tolerance dietary supplement «Krakatoa» in patients with erectile dysfunction


А. М. Ситенко


An open study of the efficacy and tolerability of dietary supple ments (DD) «Krakatoa» in 30 patients with erectile dysfunction. Daily treatment with intake of 1 capsule DD «Krakatoa» per os 1 per day for 28 days. Established that DD «Krakatoa» clinically sig nificant improves integrative performance sexual function accord ing to scale MIEF, cavernous hemodynamic performance, improves the patient’s ability to achieve and maintain an erection. DD «Krakatoa» is characterized by satisfactory safety profile, does not change the performance of peripheral blood does not make nephro and hepatotoxic action. The incidence of adverse events was 13%. SNYA not were recorded. DD «Krakatoa» can be recommended as a supplementary treatment of ED.


How to Cite
Ситенко, А. М. (2015). Efficiency and tolerance dietary supplement «Krakatoa» in patients with erectile dysfunction. Health of Man, (4(55), 73–76. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5090.4(55).2015.104698
Sexology and andrology
Author Biography

А. М. Ситенко, Украинский институт сексологии и андрологии

A. Sytenko


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