Improving the efficiency of the treatment of various types of erectile dysfunction when using Pravenor Forte


І. І. Горпинченко


An open study of the efficacy and tolerability of Pravenor Forte in 30 patients with erectile dysfunction was performed. Treatment regimen: 2 capsules Pravenor Forte per os 1 per day for 30 days. It was established that Pravenor Forte statistically and clinically sig nificantly improves sexual function scale MIEF, cavernous hemodynamic performance, exceeding this effect of L arginine, increas es the patient’s ability to achieve and maintain an erection. Unlike L arginine, Pravenor Forte helps to increase testosterone and to reduce estradiol in men with ED. Pravenor Forte is characterized by satisfactory safety profile, does not change the performance of peripheral blood, does not make nefro and hepatotoxic action. The frequency of side effects was 6,7%. SAE were not recorded. Pravenor Forte can be recommended as a supplementary treatment of ED.


How to Cite
Горпинченко, І. І. (2015). Improving the efficiency of the treatment of various types of erectile dysfunction when using Pravenor Forte. Health of Man, (4(55), 53–58.
For practicing physicians
Author Biography

І. І. Горпинченко, ГУ «Институт урологии НАМН Украины»

I. Gorpynchenko


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