The modern approach to intravesical therapy of chronic cystitis


О. Д. Нікітін


The difficult of treating patients with chronic recurrent cystitis are caused by various factors like virulence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli, and the state of the local resistance of the bladder mucosa and their interaction. Instilan instillations in the treatment of patients with chronic cystitis led to a pronounced positive dynamics of clini cal 95% of patients, as well as to reduce the number of recurrences of cystitis more than 2 times, which greatly improved the quality of life of patients. The results allow us to recommend the use of intravesical sodium hyaluronate for the treatment of various forms of chronic cystitis.


How to Cite
Нікітін, О. Д. (2015). The modern approach to intravesical therapy of chronic cystitis. Health of Man, (4(55), 17–22.
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Author Biography

О. Д. Нікітін, Национальный медицинский университет им. А.А. Богомольца

O.D. Nikitin


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