The application of medications of alfa-lipoic acid for treatment of erectile dysfunction for patients by diabetes mellitus 2 types


І. М. Антонян
В. В. Россіхін
О. В. Бухмін
В. В. Мегера
В. Н. Якубовський


In the trial was study the application of Alfa-lipon on the base of alfa-lipoic acid of erectile dysfunctions with patients by diabetes mellitus 2 types. The medication was manufactured by Kyiv vitamin factory
The trial was open and randomized. There was to proved, that the medication have the same effect as a hormone therapy for the pathology.
The results, which we had received, are witness about the significant increasing the erectile function after the medications using along the 12 weeks, as medications on the base of the testosterone undecanoate with antidiabetic therapy, as Alfa-lipon. On the base of the therapy were normalized concentrations of serum hormones and biochemical indicators, which are use for diabetes


How to Cite
Антонян, І. М., Россіхін, В. В., Бухмін, О. В., Мегера, В. В., & Якубовський, В. Н. (2016). The application of medications of alfa-lipoic acid for treatment of erectile dysfunction for patients by diabetes mellitus 2 types. Health of Man, (3(58), 43–46.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

І. М. Антонян, Харьковская медицинская академия последипломного образования, г. Харьков

I.M. Antonyan

В. В. Россіхін, Харьковская медицинская академия последипломного образования, г. Харьков

V.V. Rossikhin

О. В. Бухмін, Харьковская медицинская академия последипломного образования, г. Харьков

A.V. Bukhmin

В. В. Мегера, Харьковская медицинская академия последипломного образования, г. Харьков

V.V. Megera

В. Н. Якубовський, ООО «Доктор Алекс», г. Харьков

V.N. Yakubovski


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