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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is submitted in Ukrainian or Russian and English in 2 copies, which are signed by all authors.

  • Each author must indicate their data in Ukrainian or Russian and English (surname, first name, middle name, scientific rank (position), scientific degree, industry of specialization, place of work, business address, postal code, business phone number or email address).

  • The UDC and the name of the author must be indicated on the first page, followed by the title of the article and the name of the organization on the basis of which studies, observations, etc. were carried out.

  • The text of the article and its materials should be edited and verified by the author. The content of the article should be practical. All tables, illustrations, a list of references and an examination certificate should be attached to the article.
    - the titles of scientific articles should be informative.
    - only generally accepted abbreviations may be used in article headings.
    - in the translation of the titles of articles into English, there should be no transliterations, except for untranslatable names of proper names, devices and other objects with their own names; untranslatable slang is also not used.
    - in the list of references should be at least 7 references. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the links. The list of cited references is submitted in accordance with generally accepted design rules.

  • Abstracts in Ukrainian, Russian and English should be attached to the article with the obligatory indication of the names and initials of the authors in these languages. The volume of the resume should not exceed 200-250 words. Be sure to indicate “keywords” (from 3 to 8 words) in order of importance, contributing to the indexing of articles in search and information systems. The summary is an independent source of information from the article. The summary of the original article should be structured:
    a) the aim of research;
    b) material and methods;
    c) results;
    d) conclusion.

    All sections in the summary should be in bold in the text. For other articles (review, lectures, exchange of experience, etc.), the summary should include a summary of the main concept of the article and keywords

  • Requirements for illustrative material. Illustration can be submitted in the form of: photograph, slide, radiograph, electronic file.
    - The illustration must be prepared at a high quality level.
    - Submitted illustrations should be consistent with the main meaning of the article.
    - The illustration should be as free as possible from the inscriptions that should be transferred to the signature to it.
    - Signatures to illustrations are submitted on a sheet of paper at the end of the article.
    - Each illustration should have a common name.
    - Illustrations should be sent in a separate envelope with the title of the article and full name of the author.
    - The article should indicate the place where, according to the author, it would be desirable to place the illustration.
    - An illustration submitted in electronic form must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi (scale 1:1).

  • Tables should be compact. The name of the columns and rows should correspond to their content, the text is submitted without abbreviations.

  • The article does not allow the abbreviation of words other than those generally accepted in the scientific literature. All measurements are given in SI units.

  • The article should contain practical conclusions and recommendations for clinicians.

  • The editors reserve the right to edit articles.

  • If the specified requirements for the design of the article are not complied with, the editors will return it to the authors without consideration.

  • The article should be written in the format WORD97, 98, 2000-2003; font size – 12 points.

  • Materials of articles accepted for publication (manuscripts, illustrations, floppy disks) are not returned.

The editorial board of «Health of Man» accepts articles for consideration on the condition that:
- this is the first publication;
- the article has not been submitted for publication to other editorial boards;
- the design is made in accordance with the requirements for the design of scientific articles of our publication.

At the time of submission of the article to the Journal, the authors must confirm its compliance with all the requirements specified below. In case of detection of non-compliance of the submitted work with the items of these requirements, the editors will return the material to the authors for revision.

The article is submitted to the editorial board in Ukrainian and English as a file in Microsoft Word .docx format, added to the email. The article in English is published without translation into Ukrainian. The manuscript should be typed in Microsoft Word, page format A4, font Times New Roman, type size 14, line spacing - 1,5.

The article should be accompanied by a letter of application in any form with the signatures of the author / authors.

Article consists of the following elements: title, main text, summary in Ukrainian, Russian, English with keywords, list of references, information about the author / authors.


1. UDC (Universal Decimal Classification)
2. Author's full name
3. Title of the article

The titles of scientific articles should be informative, convey the main content of the article (no more than 150 characters). Only generally accepted abbreviations can be used in the titles of the articles, there should be no transliteration in English transliterations of article titles, except for untranslatable names of proper names, instruments and other objects that have their own names; also untranslatable slang should not be used.

4. Place of work of the author(s)

Main text

1. The main text of the article and its materials should correspond in structure and content to a certain type of scientific publication (original article, review article, description of clinical cases, materials of scientific medical forums).
2. No abbreviations of words are allowed in the article, except those commonly accepted in the scientific literature. All measurements are presented in the SI unit system. Abbreviations given in the article must be deciphered when first mentioned.
3. Illustrations (tables, drawings) should be placed after the first mention in the text.
4. The bibliographical references in the text should be in the form of numbers in square brackets, corresponding to the number in the list of cited literature.

Appendices to the Main Text

All tables, illustrations, and lists of references used in the work should be attached to the article.

Illustrations should be presented in the form of a photograph, slide, radiograph, electronic file, and prepared at a high quality level.

- Illustrations must meet the main content of the article.
- The illustration should be as free of captions as possible, should be carried in the caption to it.
- Captions for illustrations are submitted on a separate sheet at the end of the article.
- Each illustration should have a common title.
- Original illustrations should be sent in a separate envelope with the title of the article and the name of the author.
- At the place where, in the opinion of the author, it would be desirable to place the illustration, the author should make the note.
- The illustration submitted electronically should have a resolution of not less than 300 dpi (scale 1: 1).

All tables must have a title. All tables must be referenced in the main text. They should be numbered sequentially in the order in which they appear in the main text.

- Tables should be placed in the main text of the article immediately after the paragraph where they are mentioned.
- The reference to the table is made with Arabic numerals.
- Tables should not duplicate the content of the text.
- Authors should make sure that the data in the tables correspond to those indicated in the corresponding places in the text.
- Total amounts need to be compiled correctly, and percentages need to be calculated correctly.
- The names of columns and rows should correspond to their content, the text is submitted without abbreviations.
- Notes to the table are placed under the table.


Abstracts are attached to the article in Ukrainian, Russian and English. Abstracts in all languages must contain the title of the article (in lowercase letters, starting with capital letters), author / authors (initials and surname), names of organizations (full, without abbreviations), city, country, keywords. The resume should be at least 1,800 characters long.

The text of the abstract is an independent and full-fledged source of information on a short and coherent presentation of the publication, highlighting the content of the article. References to literature sources, figures and tables in the Abstract are not allowed.

- Abstracts for original articles should be structured with the following subheadings: research purpose, materials and methods, results, conclusion, and keywords.
- Abstracts of review articles do not need to be structured.
- Abstracts of articles describing clinical cases can be structured with the following subheadings: introduction, clinical case, conclusion, keywords.


- The list of references is in Latin alphabetical order. Sources in Ukrainian and Russian are given as they are listed and registered on the English pages of the journal sites. If a source does not have a name in English, it is given in English translation.
- The formatting of the reference list is in accordance with Vancouver style in English.
- References in the text in square brackets, full bibliographic description of the source in the reference list in the order of mention in the text of the article.
- The list of references includes only peer-reviewed sources (articles from scientific journals and monographs) used in the text of the article.
- If it is necessary to refer to an article in the media, to a text from an online resource, information about the source should be placed in the reference.
- Reference to articles accepted for publication but not yet published should be marked with the words "in press"; authors should obtain written permission to refer to such documents and to confirm that they have been accepted for publication. Information from unpublished sources should be marked with the words "unpublished data / documents"; the authors should also receive written confirmation of the use of such materials.

There must be at least 7 references in the list of references. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.

Information about the authors

Information about authors is given at the end of the manuscript and contains information about the authors in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages:

- Surnames, first names, patronymics (in full).
- Scientific degree, academic rank, position in the institution/institutions (if the author works in several organizations, data on all organizations should be indicated).
- Work address with postal code, office telephone number (personal, if desired).
- Email address of all authors.
- ORCID identifier (

Abbreviations are not allowed.

The last page of the article should be signed by the authors and indicate the contribution of each author in the preparation of the manuscript.

An article approved by the Editorial Board may be published within three months, including the review period.

Names and email addresses are specified by the journal site users will be used exclusively to internal technical issues of this magazine; they are not spread and are not transmitted to third parties.